Swab For Lives is a Non-Profit organization created by a few high school students lead by founder, Munir Bshara, to serve the need of blood marrow donations everywhere. Due to the Middle Eastern Diaspora, many people in the middle east do not have access to matching blood marrow donations because of this. Our mission is to spread the word on the importance of joining the registry among diverse groups.
SwabForLives is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Non-Profit Organization is aimed at connecting people in the silicon valley with those struggling with blood cancer(leukemia) through a swab sample from the inside of one's mouth. We strategically target certain ethnic backgrounds because a patient's ethnic background is important in predicting the likelihood of finding a match. This is because Human Leukocyte Antigen markers used in matching are inherited. Some ethnic groups have more complex tissue types than others. So a person's best chance of finding a donor may be with someone of the same ethnic background.
Swab Drive
President and Founder Munir Bshara
Vice President and Founder
Arz Bshara
Thank you, everyone, who joined us in our first swab drive, especially those who have been gracious enough to donate swabs or money to the drive. We will update the site once the next swab drive location has been decided. For now, the pictures below capture some highlights from the drive.